" LiveingWell Health News Letter "


Being good to your Heart:

Below you will find suggestions on how I was able to help myself the natural way to fight collestroll  as well as keeping my heart  as healthy as I can at 68

Follow a healthy diet.

Keeping your stress levels down as it can be harmful to your whole body including your heart.  I practice Tai Chi, Yoga along with water arobic, and weights.  

Uncertain about what excercise to use ask your Naturopathic physicians.

Take dietary supplements.

What Is Policosanol?

Other names: Octacosanol, 1-Octacosanol, N-Octacosanol, Octacosyl Alcohol

Policosanol, a dietary supplement, is a mixture of alcohols isolated from Cuban sugarcane wax. It contains about 60% octacosanol.

Policosanol has been touted as a dietary supplement that can lower cholesterol as well as statin drugs, without the side effects. Studies indicate that it works by inhibiting cholesterol formation in the liver. Regard to its lipid-lowering capabilities, the current mechanism by which policosanol functions is not known. Previous studies have indicated that policosanol lowers cholesterol by inhibiting its synthesis in the liver. However, it is now known that which step in the synthesis of cholesterol this supplement interacts with. Other studies have previously indicated that policosanol increases the uptake and removal of LDL cholesterol from the cell. That in turn helps to raise HDL Cholesterol.

A typical dosage of policosanol used in studies has been 5 to 10 mg two times a day. Studies generally found that it can take up to two months to notice benefits.

However, almost all of the 80+ double blind studies on sugarcane policosanol were conducted by a single research group in Cuba that owns the policosanol patent.

An independent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2006 did not find any benefit of policosanol, even at high doses, on cholesterol profile. This finding has casted some doubt on the reliability of the Cuban research on policosanol.

Side Effects of Policosanol

Some side effects of policosanol reported have generally been mild and short-term. They have included indigestion, skin rash, headache, insomnia, and weight loss.

Possible Drug Interactions.

Policosanol may increase the effect of medications that interfere with blood clotting or anti-platelet drugs, such as aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), heparin, clopidogrel (Plavix), ticlopidine (Ticlid), or pentoxifylline (Trental), or supplements such as garlic, ginkgo, or high-dose vitamin E.

Policosanol may increase the effects and side effects of levodopa, a medication used for Parkinson's disease.

Supplements that help with Polcosonal, are fish oil, and multivitamins, Foods that help are celery stalks or celery juice because celery cleans the arteries, and two table spoons daily of ground flax seed taken in water, soy milk or fruit juice. The exercise program should be no less than thirty minutes every day. Walking with your dog, partner after dinner is the best to help relax the day. A low fat lifestyle is also the key.

I myseft have been using Policosanol for a year,  along with exercise, vitamins, and a dietary lifestyle blood work shows a great inprovement.  Remember not everyone is the same.  Natural Alternatives are your choice and only yours.  

Lillian Waugh


Live Well in todays world.

High quality nutritional and natural alternative, for you, your pet, or loved one.

You alone have the choice to live clean and  be free of medicines.  I made the choice that is all it takes.


There are links to high quality nutritional and natural alternative remedies and herbal remedies, formulated by experts in the field of natural health and are manufactured in an FDA-registered facility.  Dedicated to alternative healing. Through body balance, health, nutrition fitness.

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LiveingWell health news letter

Dedicated to alternative healing. Through body balance, health, nutrition & Fitness

By Lillian Waugh.

Insuring you a healthy and vital tomorrow!

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Achievement seems to be connected with action.    

By Lillian Waugh.

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